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Ben Trevor

Ben TrevorBen Trevor majored in dramatic arts at San Francisco State University where, in 1969, he earned his BA and was named Best Director of the Year. He went on to graduate school, earning an MA in dramatic arts from the University of Miami in 1971 where he was also named Best Director of the Year.
Over his lifetime, Ben has enjoyed a twenty-one year career in the theater as a stage director and an overlapping twenty-nine year career as a creative director in advertising. He wrote, produced, and directed thousands of local and regional radio and TV commercials winning several Addy Awards along the way. He worked for agencies in Santa Cruz and San Jose, California, and Augusta, Georgia.
Ben moved to Augusta to be married and is now retired there with his wife, Dee. Ben devotes most of his time to his writing and his four dogs, Dewey, Oskar, Max, and Ina.

Plays by Ben Trevor with Heuer Publishing: