| Daniel Guyton |
| | Daniel Guyton has won numerous writing awards, and has been produced more than 600 times around the world. He received his MFA in Dramatic Writing from the University of Georgia, and now resides just south of Atlanta, with his wife, two dogs and a cat. He is excited to be part of the Heuer and Brooklyn catalogs with his 10-minute plays 'Dead Giveaway', 'Death of a Snowman', 'Last of the Tannenbaums', 'Rosie the Retired Rockette', 'How I Met Your Santa' and 'Rebel Without a Claus', along with his one-act play 'My Classmate's An Alien!'. For more information, please visit: www.danguyton.com. | |
| | Visit Daniel Guyton's web page: http://www.danguyton.com | | Plays by Daniel Guyton with Heuer Publishing: | DEAD GIVEAWAY | DEATH OF A SNOWMAN | HOW I MET YOUR SANTA | LAST OF THE TANNENBAUMS | REBEL WITHOUT A CLAUS | ROSIE, THE RETIRED ROCKETTE | |