| Jonathan Dorf |
| | Jonathan Dorf's plays have been produced throughout the United States and Canada, as well as in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, including stagings of his work by such companies as the Walnut Street Theatre, Playwrights Theatre of New Jersey, Interact, Moving Arts and the Pittsburgh New Works Festival. He was a resident playwright at Delaware's City Theater Company and spent several years as playwright-in-residence at the Choate Rosemary Hall Summer Arts Conservatory. In addition to his work with Heuer, Mr. Dorf is published by Playscripts, Brooklyn Publishers, Meriwether Publishing, Smith Kraus, and YouthPLAYS, the publishing company he co-founded. Mr. Dorf is resident playwriting expert for Final Draft (creator of Ask the Expert playwriting) and The Writers Store, for whom he created Playwriting101.com, and he teaches playwriting in Writers University. He is co-creator of ProduceaPlay.com, the free resource site for prospective producers, and he is the co-chair of the Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights, the former managing director of the Philadelphia Dramatists Center and a member of the Dramatists Guild of America. Mr. Dorf holds a BA in Dramatic Writing and Literature from Harvard University and an MFA in Playwriting from UCLA, and serves as a consultant for playwrights and screenwriters. Author of Young Playwrights 101, a book for young playwrights and those who teach them, he is a frequent guest artist at schools and Thespian festivals. For more info, visit www.youngplaywrights101.com. | |
| | Visit Jonathan Dorf's web page: http://jonathandorf.com | | Plays by Jonathan Dorf with Heuer Publishing: | STEALING SAXOPHONES FROM HOMELESS PEOPLE | YOUNG PLAYWRIGHTS 101 | |