| Krista Boehnert |
| | Krista Boehnert grew up in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada and began weaving stories at a young age. Fascinated by experimental staging, well-defined characters and poignant, often messy, stories, she strives to give audiences a tale that will linger with them long after the houselights come up. Krista's previous writing credits include one-act plays Puzzle Pieces (2003) and Have you Heard? (2006) published by Theatrefolk. Her non-fiction work has appeared in The Ring and Business Class magazines. When she's daydreaming about her next story, you can usually find her baking (poorly) and testing out lines of dialogue on herself. Although she writes for diverse audiences, as an awkward fourteen year old at heart, Krista has the most fun writing for young adults. She currently lives on Vancouver Island. | |
| | Plays by Krista Boehnert with Heuer Publishing: | ADAM | THREE LITTLE WORDS | |