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Linda Oatman High

Linda Oatman HighWhen I was growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, I thought that maybe I wanted to be a rock star or a Roller Derby Queen, but I've now found something even more fun! What's cool about being a writer? We work in our pajamas, we eat lunch (and chocolate) whenever we're hungry, and we can take a nap if we feel like it! We don't have to brush our teeth or comb our hair or get dressed, but most of us do it anyway, especially if we have to leave our house for something. Some of us run when the UPS man arrives, because we don't want to frighten him.
As a kid, some of my favorite things were: chocolate, Tastykakes, The Wizard of Oz, Nancy Drew books, Harry Chapin music, horses, dogs, Santa Claus, swimming, the ocean, chocolate, monkeys, Archie comic books, MAD Magazine, Quisp cereal, The Philadelphia Flyers, The Partridge Family (especially Keith), The Brady Bunch, Dark Shadows (These were TV shows, kids!), the color purple, my red electric Epiphone guitar, my yellow 1969 Mustang, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. I also loved corn on the cob, and once I broke the World's Record (at our house) for eating the most ears of corn: something like 9 at a time.

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