 | Scott Haan |
| | Scott Haan has been a fixture in local theatre in Indiana his entire life, from performing in childrens productions to high school musicals. He graduated to community theatre as an adult, where he has participated in dozens of productions as an actor, stage manager and director, in everything from comedies to dramas to musicals. Scott graduated from Purdue University in 1994 with a B.A. in creative writing. He has been writing and designing catalogs, posters, and web sites professionally ever since. He is a self-confessed pop culture junkie, freakishly well-versed in movies, TV, music and comic books, almost to the exclusion of any useful real world knowledge. In 2006, he finally achieved a long-time goal by trying his hand at playwriting for the first time, and found immediate encouragement when his first three scripts were quickly chosen for production by three different local theatre groups, and all three were subsequently published. Scott and his wife and two kids reside in Indiana. Unfortunately, he is a fugitive in nine other states, but he insists that it's all just a huge misunderstanding and he hopes to clear it up someday. Good luck, Scott. | |
| | Visit Scott Haan's web page: http://www.scotthaan.com | | Plays by Scott Haan with Heuer Publishing: | BYTE ME | DON'T BE SO HARD ON YOUR SHELF | MIND OVER MATT | MIND OVER MATT - ONE ACT | SILENT TREATMENT | TRAPPED | VENT BUTTON | YOU'RE IN MY THOUGHTS | |