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Tom Coash

Tom Coash is a Louisville, Ky. playwright, director, and teacher. Prior to Louisville, he spent three years in Bermuda and four years teaching playwriting at The American University in Cairo, Egypt. Coash has won numerous playwriting awards including the American Theatre Critics Association's M. Elizabeth Osborn Award, the Clauder Competition for New England Playwrights, an Edgerton Foundation National New Play Award, the Hammerstein Award, The Kennedy Center's Lorraine Hansberry Award, and a Jerome Playwriting Fellowship. His plays have been produced around the world including such theaters as: Portland Stage, Barrington Stage, New Jersey Rep, the InterAct Theatre, Abingdon Theatre, Ensemble Studio Theatre, West Coast Ensemble, and many more. Three of his short plays have been produced as podcasts. Coash currently teaches scriptwriting for the University of Southern Maine's Stonecoast Creative Writing MFA Low-Residency Program.

Plays by Tom Coash with Heuer Publishing: