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By: Jeffrey James IrcinkAdd to Wish List
Ten Minute Play Pack: $35.00
   (Includes 3 scripts and performance rights for one year at one venue)
Classroom Script: $5.00  (Minimum order of 10)
Additional Venues: $10.00
Limited Video Rights: $30.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $5.00
Extra Streams: $0.05
Type: Ten Minute Play
Genre: Comedy
Theme: Family
Running Time: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 male, 2 total cast
Title Includes: Adult Language, Mature Theme
Script Preview   Author Notes   Photo Gallery   Productions
Author's Notes:
Two things you will notice about this play: it runs short and there are a multitude of pauses and beats. This was deliberately done to slow the pace of the play. It was written short so that the actors can take their time with the dialogue.

Pass the Salt, Please. is written in such a manner that if you follow it as written, it might possibly direct itself. I directed the first production in Cedar Rapids for an erotic arts exhibition and it won BEST OF SHOW. That being said, I'm not downplaying the role of an experience director. I've seen what a true director can do with this piece, so...

Though I denote the characters are an older couple, the pool of actors you have to choose from might affect this. In the Miami show, both actors wore reading glasses...which was effective. The main reason for having the actors be over 50 (and not necessarily beautiful people) is because the dialogue in the play will be more effective and the audience will be completely taken by surprise. And that, after all, is the intent of the piece.

Food at the dinner table. Real food. It has to be.

Remember, this couple is having the tried and true dinner table discussion that every couple has experienced in America. They are so blase it's funny. Their conversation and the interest they take in that conversation (and each other) should be just as blase. Their demeanor does not change once they get into the sexual repartee. Their talk about the weather - and about sex - should be as mundane as...passing the salt.

If you have any questions, you're welcome to contact me through Heuer.


UNcover: a two night art exhibition with an erotic vibe, juried show, Cedar Rapids, IA, March 2007
Los Angeles premiere at Drakes Erotica Emporium, West Hollywood, August 2007
The Little Red Studios Erotic Shorts Festival, Seattle, WA, 2009
Performance at artists-only gala for Seattle Erotic Arts Festival, 2009
Florida Southeast Premiere City Theatres Summer Shorts Festival Undershorts 2009, Miami Fort Lauderdale, June 2009

What would happen if the dinner conversation of a married couple in their 50s resembled the script pages of a scene in a pornographic film? As a man and woman catch up on the day’s events, their banter morphs from “ho-hum” to “whoop-eee!” without missing a "bite." The scene reflects the state of sex in the America of the feminine mystique, as viewed by feminist Betty Friedan.

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