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Audio Sampler: $10.00
Showkit™: $695.00
   ShowKit™ Includes:
Production Guide
Director's Guide
P/V Vocal Score
30 Actor Scripts
2 Rehearsal CDs
2 Accompaniment CDs
Media Disc
Choreographic DVD
Cross-curricular Guide
30 Family Matters Booklets
Running Time: 60 minutes
Songs   Characters   Audio Preview

Audio Samples:     
1.Singin' In The Rain Jr (3:32)
To listen to these samples, you need software that plays MP3 files.
Screenplay by Betty Comden & Adolph Green
Songs by Nacio Herb Brown & Arthur Freed
Based on the classic Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer film, by special arrangement with Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures, Inc.
The "Greatest Movie Musical of All Time" is faithfully and lovingly adapted by Broadway legends Betty Comden and Adolph Green from their original award-winning screenplay in Singin' In The Rain JR. Hilarious situations, snappy dialogue, and a hit-parade score of Hollywood standards make Singin' In The Rain JR. a guaranteed good time for performers and audience members alike.
Singin' In The Rain JR. has all the makings of a Tinseltown tabloid headline - the starlet, the leading man and a love affair that could change lives and make or break careers! In silent movies, Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont are a hot item, but behind the scenes things aren't always as they appear on the big screen! Meanwhile, Lina's squeaky voice might be the end of her career in "talking pictures" without the help of a talented young actress to do the talking and singing for her.
Three extraordinary roles for young dancers and a tour de force comedic turn make Singin' In The Rain JR. a perfect choice for any group with an abundance of talent ready to shine.

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