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By: Eddie McPhersonAdd to Wish List
Script: $7.00
Notebook Script: $12.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
First Performance Royalty: $50.00
Each Additional Performance: $50.00
Limited Video Rights: $30.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $30.00
Extra Streams: $0.30
Artwork Image Download: $30.00
Personalized Poster: $2.50
Types: Short Play, Community Theatre
Genres: Comedy, Farce, Hillbilly
Themes: Hillbilly, Weddings, Family
Running Time: 40 minutes
Speaking Cast: 10-11 females, 8 males, 1 either, 19-20 total cast
Flexibility: 0-20 extras
Script Preview   Author Notes   Comments   Productions
Customer Comments:
By chris eason - Actor - Atkinson County High School
WOW! This is an amazing play. Our one-act cast won our regional competition with this hilarious play that is laugh out loud funny all the way through. The judges actually stopped taking notes about half way through and just sat and watched and laughed. I recommend this play only if you wish to have a fun time.
By Maura K. Robinson - Drama Director - Walt Clark Middle School
We thoroughly enjoyed performing Virgil's Wedding. The audience absolutely loved it. I would reccomend it to anyone wanting easy sets, a large cast and a play that keeps the audience laughing.
You're invited to the social clash of the century as Ms Delainie, a high-end wedding planner, and her assistant, Barbie, are hired to direct a simple ceremony for two of Lickskillit's favorite lovebirds. Grinning with confidence and guaranteed a promotion if the Margaret Hooper-Virgil Sludge wedding is a success, Ms Delanie invites her boss, Mr. Wright, to attend the simple ceremony. But it's a wild romp before the nuptials are exchanged. The bride doubts the groom's love, the in-laws are decorating the church with Christmas garland, the Reverend arrives late with notes for a funeral service, and the groom ends up spending the night before the wedding in his best man's lizard trap. The morning of the wedding is a coordinator's nightmare. It starts with a skittish bride who thinks she's promised her love to the wrong man (her mama told her to marry “Mr. Right”), a lost groom and ungracious relatives that refuse to cooperate with fancy city ladies. Too busy with the bride to worry about the groom, Ms Delanie and Barbie work on the threshold of tragedy trying to explain the difference between Mr. Wright and “Mr. Right” to the bride before she ends up marrying the wrong “Mr. Right.”

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