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BOB'S DATEAdd to Cart
By: John ShanahanAdd to Wish List
Script: $7.00
Notebook Script: $12.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
First Performance Royalty: $50.00
Each Additional Performance: $50.00
Limited Video Rights: $30.00  (See FAQ for full description.)
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $30.00  (See FAQ for full description.)
Extra Streams: $0.30
   (Valid with purchase of Limited Streaming/Broadcast Right. See FAQ for full description.)
Artwork Image Download: $30.00
Personalized Poster: $2.50
Types: Short Play, Community Theatre
Genre: Comedy
Theme: Dating
Running Time: 40 minutes
Speaking Cast: 2 females, 5 males, 7 total cast
ISBN: 978-1-61588-318-9
Title Includes: Adult Language
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Customer Comments:
By Michael Gross - Reader, potential actor
This play is amazing. Simply put, it floored me. The characters are so big and have such potential for amazing performances! It is one of the few scripts that actually makes me laugh without having to see the show. I love this play.
By Palmer Huff - Director - Paradise Community Theater
A great one act show!!! The characters are all very powerful in their own way and blended together to make an outstanding ensemble. The fact that Mr. Shanahan leaves the set design completely open lets you make it a unique show. A truly great show for director and cast.
By Frank Lazarski - Theatre Critic - Edinburgh Festival Guide
Newcastle University Theatre Society's production of Bob's Date has a great deal of charm. The script is interesting, and though each of the ‘characters’ behave according to expected templates (Nerves, for instance, is really worried and is always stuttering and has clammy palms etc.), it never lapses into pedestrian observations about the human heart. The interplay between the characters involves the working out of complex rivalries (Libido and Nerves, for example, don’t get on because when Nerves is present, Libido ’doesn’t work right’) in the hope that Bob might find a touch of happiness.

The warming conclusion sees the saucy yet vindictive Memory banished from Bob’s brain. With her gone, his mind can focus on the girl at hand. The standout scene involves Nerves and Emotion as they attempt to cooperate and undo years of loneliness. It is a worthwhile performance...and the writing of John Shanahan is to be praised.

By Ellen Coryat - Director - Creekside High School
Bob's Date by John Shanahan is an outstanding play and was the audience's favorite! The plot is very funny, the characters are dynamic, and we received very favorable reviews. Cast members loved the play and were very passionate about their roles. The play generated much excitement. I highly recommend this play!!
Bob, who's not actually in the play, is going on his first date in two years. All of his manly inner attributes: Logic, Confidence, Nerves, Libido, and Bull are gearing up for the event. Then a love-at-first-sight moment wakes long-sleeping Emotion, and she threatens to throw the night into chaos. But if the men weren't ready to handle Emotion, then they're certainly not prepared to take on the Memory of the woman who broke Bob's heart.

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