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By: Gary Ray StappAdd to Wish List
Script: $9.00
Notebook Script: $16.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
First Performance Royalty: $65.00
Each Additional Performance: $65.00
Limited Video Rights: $50.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00
Extra Streams: $0.50
Artwork Image Download: $30.00
Personalized Poster: $2.50
Types: Full Length Play, Community Theatre
Genres: Comedy, Farce
Themes: Politics, Conflict
Running Time: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 7-8 females, 7-8 males, 2 either, 16-18 total cast
Flexibility: 0-10 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible
ISBN: 978-1-61588-158-1
Script Preview   Author Notes   Comments   Photo Gallery   Productions
Customer Comments:
By Don M. King - Director - James A. Garfield Schools
I am the drama director at James A. Garfield Schools and our community has thoroughly enjoyed Gary Ray Stapp's plays. In fact, Daddy’s Girl and The Ups 'n Downs of Rollin’ Hills were the most well-attended and received out of ANY of the plays we've ever performed!

The things that make his plays so enjoyable for an audience are the fact that his characters are so creatively quirky and his plots both move and entertain. Many people leave laughing and even crying like at the ending of Daddy’s Girl, for instance. His plays are also very easy to stage and produce and his lines are very challenging yet fit so well together within the context of the play. Students have no trouble learning them and performing his zany characters. I would highly recommend his plays to any high school or community theatre group. If you put the time and effort into producing and directing his plays, I am certain your community, actors, and director will NOT be disappointed!

By Vicki Markham - Director - Anderson County High School
What a delightfully fun play! Both my students and the audience laughed hysterically. The characters are fun, the set is simple, and the audience loved it! I encourage anyone looking for a simple large cast comedy to look no further!
It’s no longer business as usual at the Rolling Hills City Hall, because there is a new mayor in charge and it’s a woman! Mavis finds she has her hands full as the civic leader of her community and she vows to move Rolling Hills in a positive direction even if she has to push it along all by herself. But fortunately, she has the help of her fellow councilmen to back her up . . . way back. There’s Turk, who is more of an antagonist than an ally; Lenny, who has a legal background and the mouth to prove it; and Jewel, the council secretary who is only a bottle of peroxide short of being the proverbial blonde. Together the Foursome are compelled to tackle the issue of Economic Development in an effort to become more competitive with the arch rival community of Addison Heights. But distractions abound as a trio of sisters, who are all candidates for a long vacation in a mental institution, and a trio of cousins, who live in a hole in the ground and are the male counterparts of the Abernathy sisters, bring their own problems to the city council. Toss in a dog-lovin’ redneck, a French Businessman, and a goofy spy, and the public meeting of the Rolling Hills city council heads south and the citizens find themselves unwittingly enrolled in a class of “self-improvement” taught by none other than the mayor herself. Then things go from bad to worse when a kidnapping takes place and the highbrow MacAllisters from Addison Heights show up to steal a major industrial project from the needy hands of the Rolling Hills community. But in the end, a surprise development turns the tables around as one citizen becomes an unimaginable hero.
This play utilizes a simple set with only two exits, both of which converge in an archway up center stage. No working doors are required and minimal fixtures are necessary to furnish the set.

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