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By: Colette FreedmanAdd to Wish List
Script: $7.00
Notebook Script: $12.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
First Performance Royalty: $40.00
Each Additional Performance: $40.00
Limited Video Rights: $30.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $30.00
Extra Streams: $0.30
Types: Short Play, Community Theatre
Genre: Dark Comedy
Themes: Cheerleading, Social Status, Death
Running Time: 20 minutes
Speaking Cast: 4 females, 4 total cast
ISBN: 978-1-60003-102-1
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Customer Comments:
By Tiffanie Thomas - Drama Director - Lake Olympia Middle School
An excellent play for young female actors. The audience was very much into this show, and the judges loved it. A true winner!
By Janice Weaver, Theatre Director, The Madison Junior Community Theatre, Madison, MS
Its dark humor is thoroughly entertaining. Students had an opportunity to express feelings about their peers in an over-the-top manner. My all-girls cast had a great time literally playing barbie dolls!
By Jay Rattle, Theater Director, Washington Park High School, Racine, WI
...really appealed to my more diverse students.
Quirky Cassandra spends her life desperate to get in with the popular Debbies. From kindergarten through high school, she obsessively attempts to join the coveted blonde social circle of Debbie, Debby and the queen of the WASPY clique, Debbi. After several failed attempts to fit in, she realizes, if you can't join them, kill them. A hilarious and fast moving dark comedy.

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