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By: Jerry RabushkaAdd to Wish List
Script: $9.00
Notebook Script: $16.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
eAudition Monologue (Digital Download): $1.99
First Performance Royalty: $65.00
Each Additional Performance: $65.00
Limited Video Rights: $50.00  (See FAQ for full description.)
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00  (See FAQ for full description.)
Extra Streams: $0.50
   (Valid with purchase of Limited Streaming/Broadcast Right. See FAQ for full description.)
Artwork Image Download: $30.00
Personalized Poster: $2.50
Types: Full Length Play, Community Theatre
Genres: Comedy, Farce
Themes: Play Within A Play, Gossip
Running Time: 100 minutes
Speaking Cast: 7-13 females, 7-11 males, 0-2 either, 14-26 total cast
Flexibility: 0-5 extras, doubling possible, gender flexible
ISBN: 978-1-61588-187-1
Title Includes: Adult Language
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Customer Comments:
By Jerry Abels - Stage Manager - Chanticleer Theater
Working in community theatre, this script hit home. Everyone can see a bit of several theatres they've worked with, from the trials and tribulations of getting butts into seats to the diva(s) every company has, to building right up to opening curtain (let's hope most companies don't have second act construction going on while the first act is playing before a house). As in the plot, the title alone should pack the house!
By John Payton - Actor - Ragged Blade Productions
Anyone who has ever volunteered in a community theatre will love Full Frontal Nudity, and may even recognize themselves in one of the characters. The script blends every issue ever faced by amateur actors - low budgets, ego-driven producers, divas, jealous boyfriends, rumor mills, censors - into an intelligent meta-plot comedy that belies its title. This is a true gem that should please any audience.
A small-town community theater performing original work has trouble drawing patrons due to the competition of a much larger playhouse that puts on familiar full-scale musicals. Leading man Conrad decides the best way to bring in an audience is to give it what it wants. Suddenly the rumors start flying... full frontal nudity! Leading lady Shelly is none too pleased when she realizes everyone thinks it’s going to be her.

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