  | Book: $9.95 | | | Types: Books and Resource, Anthology Library | Genre: Acting |
| Synopsis | Table of Contents | What is Postcard Pointers to the Performer? Just what the title suggests...what the postcard is to the letter (a brief account of important events). It’s a Cliff’s Notes version of an acting book. It is a brief, but to-the-point approach to the craft of acting. It’s a checklist for the veteran actor, and a quick how-to for the beginning actor who wants to learn some of the tricks of the trade. But at the heart of this book is a brief reflection of my thoughts about acting after forty-three years in the theatre. | | Details: | Paperback | Published: 2010 | ISBN: 978-1-61588-220-5 | 84 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches |