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Based on the classic tale by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont
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By: Justin ArnoldAdd to Wish List
Script: $9.00
Notebook Script: $16.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes.)
First Performance Royalty: $75.00
Each Additional Performance: $75.00
Limited Video Rights: $50.00  (See FAQ for full description.)
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00  (See FAQ for full description.)
Extra Streams: $0.50
   (Valid with purchase of Limited Streaming/Broadcast Right. See FAQ for full description.)
Artwork Image Download: $30.00
Personalized Poster: $2.50
Type: Full Length Play
Genres: Classics, Fantasy
Theme: Classic Adaptations
Running Time: 100 minutes
Speaking Cast: 4 females, 4 males, 2 either, 10 total cast
Flexibility: 4-20 extras, gender flexible
ISBN: 978-1-61588-391-2
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Recent Productions:
SAU 30 - Laconia, NH
Seneca R-7 High School - Seneca, MO
Lake Chelan School District - Chelan, WA
Deposit Jr/Sr High School - Deposit, NY
MPAT - Alturas, CA
Beauty asked only for a rose. When her father picks one from a castle garden, he must pay the ultimate price. Unwilling to let her father die, Beauty takes his place as prisoner to a volatile Beast. But Beauty's spirit cannot be broken, and soon the Beast softens. The castle and its cursed inhabitants thrive with Beauty's presence, and she cannot help but fall in love with her new home, and her master. When her greedy sisters plan to ransack the castle's riches and kill her newfound friend, Beauty will risk everything to break the Beast's curse and live happily ever after.

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