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By: Lauren D. YeeAdd to Wish List
Script: $8.75
First Performance Royalty: $15.00
   (Performance royalty waived for forensics competition)
Each Additional Performance: $15.00
Limited Video Rights: $15.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $5.00
Extra Streams: $0.05
   (Valid with purchase of Limited Streaming/Broadcast Right. See FAQ for full description.)
Type: Ten Minute Monologue
Genre: Drama
Themes: Family - Dysfunctional, Loneliness, Emotional Distress
Running Time: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 1 female, 1 total cast
ISBN: 978-1-93240-434-0
Script Preview   Comments   Productions
Recent Productions:
Brazosport Christian School - Lake Jackson, TX
Lamar County High School - Barnesville, GA
Mankato West Speech Team - Mankato, MN
Founders Christian School - Spring, TX
Falls City High School - Falls City, NE
Chapman High School USD 473 - Chapman, KS
Bear Creek Speech and Debate - Stockton, CA
Watford City Speech Team - Watford City, ND
Plainview Public Schools - Plainview, NE
Lincoln High School - Manitowoc, WI
Leyton High School - Dalton, NE
UHS Theatre - East Stone Gap, VA
South Central High School - Coldwater, KS
Lopez Middle School - San Antonio, TX
Lakeview High School - Columbus, NE
Superior High School - Superior, NE
Chaska Speech Team - Chaska, MN
ottawa high school - ottawa, IL
Fall River School District - Fall River, WI
BHS Speech - Bloomington, MN
BBH Speech and Debate - Cleveland, OH
Veterans High School - Kathleen, GA
Blacklick Valley JrSr High School - Nanty Glo, PA
Dutton-Brady School - Dutton, MT
School - Beatrice, NE
Plattsmouth Speech Team - Plattsmouth, NE
DeKalb High School - DeKalb, IL
Filer High School Speech - Filer, ID
Crestview High School - Lisbon, OH
Columbia Public Schools - Columbia, MO
High school - Williamsburg, VA
Seton la Salle High School - Pittsburgh, PA
CSMB - Kirkwood, MO
Huntley Project Speech and Drama - Worden, MT
Loomis Public School - Loomis, NE
Hudson Middle School - Hudson, OH
Ascension Academy - Amarillo, TX
University high school speech and debate - Los Angeles, CA
Speech and Debate - San Diego, CA
Told from her cell in the mental ward, a girl envelopes us in her life of pain and madness as she yearns for the love of her soul-less mother, aching for the precious warmth of her mother's touch. A tragic tale of sweet insanity.

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