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By: Michael BlevinsAdd to Wish List
Script: $7.00
Notebook Script: $12.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
First Performance Royalty: $50.00
Each Additional Performance: $50.00
Limited Video Rights: $30.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $30.00
Extra Streams: $0.30
Types: Short Play, Social Awareness Play
Genre: Drama
Theme: Social Issues
Running Time: 30 minutes
Speaking Cast: 4 females, 3 males, 7 total cast
ISBN: 978-1-64479-106-6
Title Includes: Adult Language
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The fact is, teenagers can make wise choices about drug and alcohol usage, dieting, sexual promiscuity, and other issues pertaining to respect for one’s body. But what choices are they making? And why are they making them?
Penned by an award-winning playwright, and originally produced by NY’s Group Theatre Too for their Social Awareness Theatre program, “aftermath” chronicles the lives of seven young people as they face daily choices about substance abuse, promiscuity, diet, other social issues and the inevitable consequences of the choices they make. Follow Brody and his six friends in this well-crafted story of discovery and respect for your body. Knowledge is power - - arm your students with the power of positive choices. “aftermath” shows young people the awesome power in every choice they make.

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