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By: Michael TennantAdd to Wish List
Script: $9.00
Notebook Script: $16.75
First Performance Royalty: $75.00
Each Additional Performance: $75.00
Limited Video Rights: $50.00  (See FAQ for full description.)
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00  (See FAQ for full description.)
Extra Streams: $0.50
   (Valid with purchase of Limited Streaming/Broadcast Right. See FAQ for full description.)
Type: Full Length Play
Genres: Comedy, Farce, Mystery
Themes: Writing, Trust
Running Time: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 2 females, 3 males, 5 total cast
ISBN: 978-1-61588-421-6
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Ackley Hornsby is a brilliant author whose best-selling novels attack big business pharmaceutical companies. Ackley is also a hopeless hypochondriac who suffers from 357 physical ailments and refuses to leave his apartment. Although he is in no danger of dying from a physical ailment, Ackley is in jeopardy of being murdered as the release of his newest book is announced. Ackley's literary agent warns him of death threats being phoned into his agency, as a mysterious woman from Ackley's past resurfaces after many years.Ackley struggles to keep his identity a secret, and to protect his greatest work, a manuscript called Bad Medicine.

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