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BLUE FOODAdd to Cart
By: Janice FronczakAdd to Wish List
Book: $24.95
   (Perfect Bound Book)
Types: Books and Resource, Anthology Library
Genres: Anthologies, Scenes & Monologues, Teaching Tools
Synopsis  |  Table of Contents
A hot collection of 67 monologues and 16 scenes for acting exercises! Fresh, tried-and-true monologues and contentless scenes for actors of all ages, types and skills. Intriguing characters result from 50% real life and 50% imagination. Each character is someone you have either met, imagined or wished you had met. Actors will take to these funny, sad, frustrated and in some cases, bizarre characters; directors will be drawn to the challenge of how to bring them to life and to the distinctive formless scenes.
When you have a monologue collection that includes a pirate in therapy as well as the maid in Lady Diana’s kitchen sharing her deep fears, one gets an idea of the variety within Blue Food. Many of the monologues have already won actors local and regional jobs.
Published: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-61588-201-4
128 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches

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