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By: Kamron KlitgaardAdd to Wish List
Script: $9.00
Notebook Script: $16.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
First Performance Royalty: $75.00
Each Additional Performance: $75.00
Limited Video Rights: $50.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00
Extra Streams: $0.50
Artwork Image Download: $30.00
Personalized Poster: $2.50
Type: Full Length Play
Genres: Comedy, Classics
Themes: Classic Adaptations, Play Within A Play, Fairy Tale
Running Time: 80 minutes
Speaking Cast: 12 females, 8 males, 13 either, 33 total cast
Flexibility: doubling possible, gender flexible
ISBN: 978-1-60003-282-0
Script Preview   Comments   Photo Gallery   Productions
Help! The local high school drama teacher wrote his own version of Cinderella by combining the Princess's tale with the story of Frankenstein, but the production is bombing: The Fairy Godmother wants to be called the Fairy Goshmother, three new stepsisters must be added to the cast, several actors quit, and the extras are fed up with being extras. Then, after being forced to play a girl, one of the boys worries that if his father, an avid sports fanatic, sees him his acting career will be over. Despite the director's explicit instructions that the Prince's Ball scene must be slow and elegant, the cast speeds it up to super-speed so that the boy won't be seen, but the actress playing the Queen is incapable of improvisation and can't keep up. When Dr. Frankenstein drops Cinderella's brain and replaces it with a cat's brain instead, this insane production changes beyond even the director's recognition.

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