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By: Christopher Burruto, Bill Caposerre, Tim SliszAdd to Wish List
Script: $9.00
Notebook Script: $16.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
First Performance Royalty: $65.00
Each Additional Performance: $65.00
Limited Video Rights: $50.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00
Extra Streams: $0.50
Type: Full Length Play
Genre: Comedy
Themes: School Life & College, Subconscious
Running Time: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 6 females, 4 males, 11 either, 21 total cast
Flexibility: 1-10 extras, gender flexible
ISBN: 978-1-61588-218-2
Script Preview   Author Notes   Productions
The school is freezing cold and Carl, the head custodian, can't seem to get the building warm enough to satisfy the exacting and demanding principal. But things start turning around for Carl when he discovers a mysterious boiler in the basement: the S.T.U. 9000 (the most efficient furnace on the market). Little does Carl know that S.T.U. stands for "Student Thermal Units." When a student accidentally gets "fed" to the furnace, S.T.U. becomes greedy and demands more "food" to feed his massive appetite. At first, Carl is frightened, but when the building becomes warm and the principal gets off his back, well, life is good. Don't worry, it's all a dream, but what an outrageously fun dream.

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