| Book: $12.95 | | Type: Books and Resource | Genres: Teaching Tools, Acting, Reference Guides |
| Synopsis | "The book won't tell you how to act, but will tell you how to be an actor, how to stay sane and succeed in any creative position, if you have a dream and want to make it a reality it'll offer you properly useful advice. It's one of those books that helps you know yourself, ask the right questions, and reminds you to be happy. It is truthful, eye-opening and insightful, reading it feels like getting tips and advice from a friend down the pub; it is a goldmine of information. I'm no actor, but it's one of those books that I'll carry with me, return to time and time again because remembering this advice will help me become a better and happier person." - Huffington Post | | Details: | Paperback | Published: 12/2012 | ISBN: 978-1-84842-253-7 | 128 pages, 5 x 7 inches |