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GOT IT MADEAdd to Cart
By: Maureen Kane Berg, Thomas C. BergAdd to Wish List
Script: $8.50
eScript Perusal: $8.50
Notebook Script: $16.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
eAudition Monologue (Digital Download): $1.99
Director's Score: $50.00
   (full script, production notes, piano score, vocal score)
Vocal/Choral Score: $20.00  (photocopying allowed for production)
Piano Score: $30.00
Orchestral Score: $30.00
   (bass guitar, drums, synthesizer; photocopying allowed)
Production CD: $30.00
Rehearsal CD: $30.00
Production/Rehearsal CD Combo: $50.00
First Performance Royalty: $90.00
Each Additional Performance: $90.00
Limited Video Rights: $30.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00
Extra Streams: $0.50
Artwork Image Download: $30.00
Personalized Poster: $2.50
Type: Musical
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Work, Crime, Competition
Running Time: 120 minutes
Speaking Cast: 4 females, 5 males, 9 total cast
Flexibility: 5-20 extras, gender flexible
ISBN: 978-1-61588-057-7
Script Preview   Author Notes   Audio Preview   Productions
Your audience will leave the theater whistling after seeing this musical comedy with its witty lyrics and catchy melodies. Got it Made recalls the classic American musical, but it also updates the genre by using a wide variety of music (from Broadway to reggae) and by telling a thoroughly modern story.
Molly is a twenty- or thirty-something, hoping to make her mark in the real estate development business. Her assistant, Freddy, is a loyal employee and friend, but romantically challenged. Her friend, Chloe, is a glamorous, high-powered fashion photographer who has just returned from Milan to learn her identity has been stolen.
Molly talks Freddy and Chloe into doing a “stakeout” to catch the identity thief. While Freddy and Chloe find a perfectly shallow kind of love, Molly’s investigation leads her back to her own company. It all gives rise to fun, surprises, and the requisite happy ending in this send-up of office politics, corporate scandal and modern romance.
Visit Maureen Kane Berg's Vimeo page for some great clips of The Flower Shop Project's production of Got it Made!

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