| Script: $9.00 | Notebook Script: $16.75 | | (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes) |
| First Performance Royalty: $75.00 | Each Additional Performance: $75.00 | Limited Video Rights: $50.00 (See FAQ for full description.) | Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00 (See FAQ for full description.) | Extra Streams: $0.50 | | (Valid with purchase of Limited Streaming/Broadcast Right. See FAQ for full description.) |
| Artwork Image Download: $30.00 | Personalized Poster: $2.50 | | Type: Full Length Play | Genres: Comedy, Classics | Theme: Classic Adaptations | Running Time: 100 minutes | Speaking Cast: 12 females, 12 males, 24 total cast | Flexibility: gender flexible | ISBN: 978-1-61588-075-1 |
| Script Preview Author Notes Comments Photo Gallery Productions | | Synopsis | Quasimodo, a deformed but lovable man, has spent his entire life within the walls of the cathedral of Notre Dame. With some urging from two zany nuns, he attends the Festival of Fools. Though he is crowned the King of Fools (the ugliest person at the festival), his guardian, Archdeacon Frollo, is enormously displeased with Quasimodo. Frollo forbids Quasimodo to leave Notre Dame again. Also at the festival are La Esmeralda, the gypsy queen, and Pierre Gringoire, a playwright. Frollo is taken by La Esmeralda's beauty and determines to have her, sending the guards after the gypsy queen to capture her. Both Quasimodo and Gringoire attempt to save La Esmeralda, resulting in Quasimodo's two-day punishment in the town square without food or water and Gringoire's narrow escape from hanging by the peasants' Court of Miracles. La Esmeralda helps them both, giving Quasimodo water and saving Gringoire from hanging by marrying him. Frollo, desperately jealous, stabs Gringoire and frames La Esmeralda. Though La Esmeralda is sentenced to death, Quasimodo saves her, taking her into the cathedral of Notre Dame and sanctuary. Frollo again tries to attack La Esmeralda and Gringoire, who has survived the stabbing, but falls to his death from the top of Notre Dame. Then it is up to the King and Queen of France to determine La Esmeralda's guilt or innocence...
Two narrators, Souffle and his hyperactive younger brother, Cheese, relate this adaptation of Victor Hugo's French literary classic, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and provide comic relief to this otherwise serious story. Other humorous characters and some judicious editing of this classic tale make it an enjoyable experience for the whole family! |