| Script: $9.00 | Notebook Script: $16.75 | | (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes) |
| First Performance Royalty: $65.00 | Each Additional Performance: $65.00 | Limited Video Rights: $50.00 (See FAQ for full description.) | Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00 (See FAQ for full description.) | Extra Streams: $0.50 | | (Valid with purchase of Limited Streaming/Broadcast Right. See FAQ for full description.) |
| Artwork Image Download: $30.00 | Personalized Poster: $2.50 | | Types: Full Length Play, Interactive Theater, Youth Theater | Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Classics | Themes: Fairy Tale, Classic Adaptations, Royalty | Running Time: 90 minutes | Speaking Cast: 13 females, 7 males, 20 total cast | Flexibility: 0-60 extras | ISBN: 978-1-61588-079-9 |
| Script Preview Productions | | Synopsis | Four babbling Court Advisors decide it's time the Prince finds a princess. They warn the King that without an heir to the throne, rebellion could break out at any time. They order the King to command the Prince to find a princess. Disgruntled, but following the King's orders, the Prince attends the Royal Ball and instantly falls for the beautiful Cinderella, who has been given one magical chance to attend the Royal Ball. When the clock strikes midnight, Cinderella rushes home and leaves behind her glass slipper. The Prince searches the kingdom for his one true love and crosses paths with six selfish stepsisters and a very bitter stepmother. Two sets. |