  | Script: $8.50 | Notebook Script: $16.75 | | (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes) |
| Vocal/Choral Score: $20.00 (photocopying allowed for production) | Piano/Vocal Score: $30.00 | Production CD: $30.00 | Rehearsal CD: $30.00 | Production/Rehearsal CD Combo: $50.00 | First Performance Royalty: $90.00 | Each Additional Performance: $90.00 | Limited Video Rights: $30.00 | Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00 | Extra Streams: $0.50 | | Types: Musical, Community Theatre | Genre: Drama | Themes: Patriotism, Politics, History | Running Time: 120 minutes | Speaking Cast: 10 females, 20-22 males, 30-32 total cast | Flexibility: 2-10 extras, doubling possible | ISBN: 978-1-61588-470-4 |
| Script Preview Photo Gallery Audio Preview Productions | | Synopsis | The life of young Abe Lincoln is explored in this exciting musical Lincoln: A Pioneer Tale. The wonder of Abraham Lincoln's early life is brought to the stage, showing young Abe growing into a man in Indiana, and through determination of spirit and a compassion for the people, becoming one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the Unites States. Audiences of all ages will experience and celebrate the life and times of this extraordinary man through song, dance, action and spectacle. |