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By: Megan OrrAdd to Wish List
Script: $9.00
Notebook Script: $16.75
   (8.5 x 11 3-ring binder with large margins for notes)
eAudition Monologue (Digital Download): $1.99
First Performance Royalty: $65.00
Each Additional Performance: $65.00
Limited Video Rights: $50.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00
Extra Streams: $0.50
Types: Full Length Play, Holiday Theater
Genres: Comedy, Holiday
Themes: Family - Dysfunctional, Christmas, Stranded
Running Time: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 4 females, 5 males, 9 total cast
ISBN: 978-1-60003-295-0
Script Preview   Comments   Photo Gallery   Productions
It's Christmas Eve. The Partridge family can't wait to fly south for the holidays... that is, until they find themselves snowed in at the airport! Poor Jenny Partridge is forced to endure more than the usual family torture: a mother who can't cook to save her life, an embarrassing dad who thinks he's James Bond, and an incredibly annoying little brother whose sole goal in life is to drive people crazy. Now she has to deal with love-struck Kevin Schneider, the boy who's been writing her love poems since kindergarten; an overzealous but lovable security guard with an itchy trigger finger; a grouchy old airline manager, ironically named Mr. Smiley; and (horror of all horrors) Kevin's dictatorial mother, who is determined to Martha Stewart-ize the entire airport . . .and everyone in it! But somewhere amidst the "Tannen-bomb" threats, poisonous strudel, marriage proposals, and full-body tackles, Jenny and her family and friends discover that Christmas isn't about where you are; it's about the people you're with.

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