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By: Martin Follose, Carol HallAdd to Wish List
Script: $8.50
eScript Perusal: $8.50
Vocal/Choral Score: $20.00  (photocopying allowed for production)
Piano Score: $20.00
Production/Rehearsal CD Combo: $30.00
First Performance Royalty: $90.00
Each Additional Performance: $90.00
Limited Video Rights: $30.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $50.00
Extra Streams: $0.50
Artwork Image Download: $30.00
Personalized Poster: $2.50
Type: Musical
Genre: Comedy
Theme: Pirates
Running Time: 90 minutes
Speaking Cast: 6 females, 9 males, 15 total cast
ISBN: 978-1-61588-125-3
Script Preview   Comments   Audio Preview   Productions
“We’re The Pirates” Captain Peach and his not-so-merry band of pirates sing as they roam a deserted island in search of Bluebeard’s still-hidden treasure chest. Captain Peach swears Bluebeard buried the treasure right over . . . right . . . left empty-handed, penniless pirates are not happy pirates, mutiny is close at hand! Until, Barbara and her not-so-eager castaways get stranded on the island with little, except for two lovely cameras, 37 rolls of film, a hand mirror, .30 in change, three sticks of gum, and Barbara’s old weather-beaten trunk. Aye! With treasure chests of jewels in their eyes, the clan of money-grubbin’ pirates think Barbara’s trunk is Bluebeard’s lost treasure, but before the pirates have a chance to steal the chest, two kleptomaniac natives dance off with Barbara’s trunk (and unknowingly, Barbara’s friend, Dolly, who is hiding inside) and the chase is on. The pirates after the natives, the natives after the castaways, the castaways after the natives and this not-so-deserted island is a treasure trove of outlandish fun with a rousing music score that includes original hits like “Stranded,” “The Treasure Chest,” “‘Twas a Good Life,” “What We Need is Some Laughter,” “Build a Nation,” and several other sensational tunes. After Barbara is captured by Captain Peach, and Captain Peach and Barbara are captured by the natives, it’s up to Peach’s shipmates and the other castaways to outwit the meddling natives and return the cherished treasure chest to its rightful owner.

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