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By: Mike WillisAdd to Wish List
Ten Minute Play Pack: $40.00
   (Includes 4 scripts and performance rights for one year at one venue)
Classroom Script: $5.00  (Minimum order of 10)
Additional Venues: $10.00
Limited Video Rights: $30.00
Limited Streaming/Broadcast Rights: $5.00
Extra Streams: $0.05
Type: Ten Minute Play
Genre: Drama
Theme: Friendship
Running Time: 10 minutes
Speaking Cast: 3 males, 3 total cast
Flexibility: 8 extras
Script Preview   Productions
Who Gets Charlie? is an easily staged memoir play. Every class has a "Charlie," the uncoordinated kid who is always picked last for playground activities. As Mike sits on stage waiting to speak at the funeral of his friend Charlie, his mind wanders back to their childhood experiences. The expression, "kids can often be cruel without really meaning to," comes to light in this play. The play leaves you with...if I could only do that over again, I’d...
While Charlie is ever-present on stage, he doesn't speak. The play can be performed with as few as two gender-flexible characters or as many as eleven characters with two speaking roles.

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